balls for sports

Hybrid Model

Cape Christian Academy is offering a new program for the 2020-2021 school year. This Hybrid School Model offers an alternative solution for parents desiring both the gift of time with their children as well as the services of a Christian school. This additional and cost-effective program is our Hybrid School Model, and exists as a partnership between the parent, student and school. Our desire is to preserve and strengthen the God-ordained family relationship and achieve a high degree of academic excellence.

Key Points:
 ⧫ Kindergarten through 12th grade
 ⧫ 180-day schedule combining the central (at school) and satellite (at home) classrooms.
 ⧫ Instructional activities are directed by the school’s teacher and curriculum.
 ⧫ Students meet two or three days in the central classroom and two or three days in the satellite classroom.
 ⧫ Enrolled students learn through teacher-directed activities with a parent in the satellite classroom (at home) the remainder of the week.

     ⧫ Biblical integration into all classes
     ⧫ Regular chapel and service opportunities
     ⧫ Small class sizes that allow for personalized attention
     ⧫ Hands-on and activity-based science and math curriculum
     ⧫ Comprehensive writing program to develop confident, creative writers
     ⧫ Phonics-based reading program
     ⧫ Specials in music, art, physical education, library, and computer
     ⧫ Instrumental music lessons
     ⧫ Participation in multiple concerts throughout the year
     ⧫ Morning fruit break and lunch recess

For more information or to schedule a family meeting please fill out this form:
Hybrid Information Form

Letter to Hybrid Parents

We will have an informational meeting on our hybrid program on Thursday, July 23rd at 6:30pm at Cape Christian Academy. Please RSVP by email or phone to confirm your attendance so we make sure we have space available to properly social distance. If you would rather not attend in person, please let me know and I will schedule something with you. We ask that children not attend this meeting if possible due to space requirements. If you would like to schedule a tour of the school with your child we would be happy to set that up with you after 5:30pm or on the weekend. Current Daycare requirements do not allow visitors during our Summer Camp.

Cape Christian will be offering a hybrid learning program that will meet two days a week (Monday & Wednesday) with an option to join for Friday classes. On at-home days, students will watch video lessons which match the in class lessons which are pre-recorded and complete their work in Google Classroom. Students will study all the core classes including Bible, Reading, Math, History, and Science- all taught from a Biblical Worldview. They will also have the same specials that our traditional students take (based on their days they are attending).  

While our Covid-19 precautions are not yet finalized, we expect them to be similar to our licensed Summer Camp which is currently operating with 50 students.. Students are wearing masks in the hallway and in the bathrooms, or in any situation where they cannot properly social distance. We will be capping our class sizes at 12 to 14 students for larger rooms and 8 to 10 students in smaller rooms so students can properly social distance in the classroom. We will be minimizing movement between groups by keeping teachers and students together in the same group as much as possible. Students will still have separate math and reading classes (and some will have a separate teacher) for math and reading classes. Students will still have specials, but schedules may be modified so that each special meets for the quarter instead of once a week.

While it is true that Cape Christian Academy has an open enrollment (and you can apply at any time), I would encourage you to apply early since some classes are close to full based on our capped sizes. Students will be selected on a first come, first served basis based on our admissions criteria and from when your application is completed for acceptance. We are getting more interest from parents who need 5 day a week options for their children based on their work schedules, so I don’t want anyone disappointed because they thought there would be space but their class is full.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

John Spriggs
Cape Christian Academy
“Learning in the Light of Christ”
(609) 465-4132